"Her Gift for Giving"
By Joel Gresham, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
It all starts at 2 am every Sunday morning, the noise of her pots ringing out, the tearing sound of aluminum foil and her hard bottom shoes making that clacking sound on the marble floor, as she walks from the bedroom to the small kitchen where she does all the cooking on one stove. At 79 years young, born in Atlanta Ga., Ms. Frankie Mae Gresham is still going strong. A mother of six children with 30 grand and great grand kids. Since 1990 this God fearing woman has puts her heart, soul and loving care into her grits, eggs, sandwiches and cakes, for over 100 homeless men and women in the Fort Lauderdale area. This year (2010) marks her 20th year helping someone get through another day.
Before her little crew of four goes out at 8am they pray for the blessings they have received and the deliverance for those one billion people who are homeless in the world. Renard and Reggie help load all the food in the van. Bonnie, her youngest daughter, is the driver; Teela, the great granddaughter and wing lady, helps pass out the food. There are no media, outside financial support or fanfare, as a matter of fact most people around her do not know she has been doing this good deed all these years. Her only help and finance support comes from her social security, children and grandchildren. Ms. Gresham is a devoted Christian who believes we must do God’s will if we are going to receive His favor. One of her favorite lines is “I want to show them the love of Christ through me.” I asked her why did she decided to feed the homeless? She said, “ We (talking about her family) where blessed with something and we wanted to give something back.”
Ms. Gresham knows that feeding the homeless will not solve all their problems, but she believes that if she could give them a hot meal with prayer, this might be the day that their lives turn around. This is a lady who is committed to God, her family and humanity and would give her last meal if you needed it. In this new generation of selflessness, it is a blessing to know she cares with her unconditional love. If you watch Ms. Gresham go through her routine throughout the year you would be amazed. She still likes to drive herself to the stores and church, cook breakfast and dinner just about everyday, watch her diet, travel and care for most of her grandchildren. Ms. Gresham, thank you for being the blessing in my life as well as so many others. I love you mom with all my heart.
Here are few things that may cause homelessness
1) Alcohol and substance abuse
2) Loss of Job
3) Injury and disability
4) No insurance
5) Not interested in working, having a free life and living off others
