"No Shade Trees for the Entrepreneur"
By Joel Gresham
So you want to quit your job and then start your own business? Well before you take a leap of faith there are some things you should know. The late nights, very little sleep, living on the edge, eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, moving back home with your parents, the children, the no’s and failures, never enough time and money, the patents, trademarks, copyrights, lawyers, business plans, your mother, father, wife or husband always on your case because you would not go back to work or get a job. Then it’s the amount of time it will take to develop your idea or business. Sometimes it’s 3 to 5 years or it may take you from 5 to10 years. There are only small percentages that succeed in the 1st and 2nd year.
Now ask yourself do I really have what it takes to become an entrepreneur? Do I know a lot about the business I want to own? Do I have a strong network to work from? Will I have enough money to live on while I chase my dream? Can I raise enough capital to launch my new business? To be a successful entrepreneur you must be willing to meet struggle head on. At the beginning of your new journey you seem to be doing everything right, you are excited, very sure of yourself that this is the next million-dollar idea. Then it happens, you hit the wall, you begin to feel like you are the only one on this island somewhere in the middle of the ocean.
It all starts out like this, you conceive this great idea, then you tell your family and friends what you are planning to do. Everyone is all excited for you telling you, “What a great idea you have…you are going to make a lot of money…if you need my help, don’t hesitate to call.” Now more than ever you are ready to succeed and conquer the world with your new idea. But here are the facts, after all the excitement wears off the real work begins. You start building and testing your product or services and over a period of time of being rejected over and over again and again you begin to wonder is this worth it.
Your true friends and family has given you all the support they could give, but things are starting to get tight for them so they can’t give that extra $500 to help keep you going. Then there are those friends and associates you think you can count on, but soon to discover they are not there for you. They are the type who will be there only after all the work is done and you have made it. How do entrepreneur stay motivated when they feel like quitting, when hope seems to be gone, when others have stop believing in them, and when they have run out of money? Simple! They never give up. They find a way to keep going by believing in what they cannot see. They will try it one more time. It’s there faith and purpose backed with action that drives the entrepreneur to success. |